Companies in the Register
Companies with CFP Progress Data
Companies with a Formal Target

All Human Activity activity contributes GHG emissions, and it is therefore incumbent on all Global Citizens, Institutions such as Schools and Universities, Companies great and small, and Governments to do our part in the drive towards Net Zero. We can all make a difference, from a much better care of the environment to the eventual replacement of carbon intensive activities such as the burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity.

We need to act, and now.

Targets are being set at the National level, and what are termed ‘Nationally Determined Contributions’ are being calculated and plans are being now put in place to reduce them towards a state of Net Zero in the first instance, and then beyond to become Carbon Negative. Large Multinational Corporations are entering into voluntary Net Zero Targets through organisations such as the Science Based Targets Initiative. Small and Medium Enterprises are setting targets, and wanting to show how they can reduce their footprints. Institutions such as schools and universities want to help. We all want to take part in the common goal to mitigate climate change.

However, despite a very rapid increase in the numbers of organisations that are adopting and publishing their Net Zero Targets in the public domain for all to see, there is still no standardisation or consistency in the disclosures of the emissions reductions targets and the progress against those targets.

Indeed, concise, data-centric plain-language climate commitments, and reporting on progress as part of annual filings, are a rare find. As a result, the exact content of targets often remains opaque to company stakeholders, investors, and the public at large, and are very difficult to compare against each other or against benchmarks for a particular business sector.

The Net Zero Matrix is being built to provide a single repository for such Targets and Progress, and to ensure a fair and level playing field for all.


The Curtis & Associates Group
CO2 sequestered since 2005

